
Deadline, Required Documentation, 和 Submission Instructions

The seasonal Influenza vaccination is required by all clinical affiliation sites. Receiving a flu shot before 9/1 is not advised to ensure protection throughout the season. Please plan to receive the vaccine between September 1st 10月1日.

健康合规 must report vaccination details to your clinical site(s) 和 therefore compliance to the Oct. 1st deadline is m和atory. Pharmacy receipts are not sufficient. Ask for a ‘vaccine administration record’ or your submission will be rejected.

Documentation Must Contain

  • Your first 和 last name 和 date of birth (DOB)
  • Vaccine administered date
  • Vaccine manufacturer 和 lot number (h和written is acceptable)
  • Clinical site where vaccine was administered OR printed name of the administering clinician

How to Submit Documentation

学生项目 Submit Documentation to
护理 myCB 十大彩票平台 ToDoList
Allied 健康 School of 健康 和 Patient Simulation 健康 和 健康中心 Dropbox
Allied 健康 Workforce: CNA 和 Phlebotomy Workforce 学生 Dropbox